Youth Art FAQ

Can I submit artwork even if I don't qualify to win the Lone Star Artist Award?

Absolutely! You may also win awards and recognition wherever your talent lies, whether it be 3D art, pottery, pen & ink, oil, or watercolor. Artwork of any size or medium is acceptable for the Youth Art in the Square exhibit.

Can I sell my art at the festival?

You may indeed sell your artwork. It is your responsibility as the artist to set a price, contact the buyer and complete the sale in a timely manner. 

Event volunteers are not able to coordinate a sale on your behalf.

How many pieces may I submit?

Up to three (3) pieces may be entered by one artist.

Do I have to volunteer for the festival if I submit artwork?

Part of the Youth Art Program is a request for these young artists to volunteer for a two-hour shift at the Youth Art tent. Many time slots are available to suit your schedule.  Online signup will be available on this web site beginning in March. 

Can I submit artwork if I have participated in previous years?

Yes.  We also accept works submitted for other contests outside of this event.  

How do I know if my artwork has been accepted?

We will publish a list of accepted youth artists and artwork titles on this website on April 18, 2025, by 5 p.m.

How will I know if my artwork has been selected to win an award?

Award ribbons will be attached to artwork by noon.on Saturday. Awards are presented on Sunday at 2:15 pm.

Who do I contact if I have questions or need help?

Please contact the Youth Art chairperson via email at